So I am still looking for a job...
Somehow, I didn't think it would take this long...
I really expected my phone to be ringing off the hook with offers...
There are not really too many jobs for me to apply for...
Maybe I should have passed up the BA and the MA and paid more attention to the SA (sandwich artistry)...
The Piggly Wiggly is hiring, but I can't bring myself to even apply because I don't wear flourescent colors too well...
Maybe I'll just go shopping again :)
Instant Translator
Friday, October 30, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009

So, I saw a picture I want to share because it inspired me so much. What I figure happened, it started out as a long crochet chain for not much purpose, or possibly maybe a scarf. Then, it was decided that it would make a fashionable hat. When that got screwed up (creator's words - the title of the picture is actually "Screwed Up Hat"), it was decided that it would make an even more fashionable handbag. So, what has really impressed me about this ugly little bag is that it is the end result of a crochet project run amuck. I can't help but wonder if this type of recycling - repurposing; re-inventing as needed - can teach me something about myself and my career goals. I mean, if a long, boring piece of string can be turned into a handbag (the proverbial sow's ear from silk, or maybe I got that backwards, but you know what I mean) what can I do to improve, recycle, re-purpose myself? I really think I am on to something here. Essentially that is what my mid-life crisis has been to date: the ultimate recycling exercise. And, while I certainly do not want to be recalled as the "ugly little bag", I think that a lot more self examination might be called for. Preferably this soul searching can be conducted in a lushious, spa like retreat or similar environment where I can be totally unfettered by the daily demands of looking for work or other mundane tasks...I'll keep you posted!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Good Housekeeping
So, it seems that while I am actively looking for a job I am much more up-to-date and savvy about world happenings. For example, just recently I read the newsworthy and enlightening article "Body Found Buried Under Trash at Home". Now, while my housekeeping skills leave a lot to be desired, I can honestly say I have never had stacks of TRASH in the living room. And, on the occasions where there has been something dead in the living room (I have five cats and a pet door that does not lock) to my credit, I have noticed it right away!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Blog Action Day?
So, today is 'Blog Action Day'. Anyone who blogs is supposed to keep their post relevant to Climate Change. Here is my idea for this post: I am shutting my computer off for 24 hours to reduce my personal carbon footprint. To learn more about today's activities, check out Have a happy day!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Go Google Yourself
Okay, so who out there besides me has done it? I am embarrassed to admit it, but I have actually Googled myself. Because I have such an uncommon name, there is not any confusion about who I am, so I can't take credit for anything remarkable someone else has accomplished. Trust me, according to Google, I am certainly not particularly noteworthy. What I did notice, though, is each comment I have made on anyones blog appears as a separate Google entry. Wild! I didn't think what I had to say was that important!
So, what do I hope to learn about myself via Google? Do I think there is some part of my life I mysteriously missed out on that will be revealed? Is there something else going on that I can only find out about via Google (ah ha... so that's what I've been doing!)? Is there something in my past that can only be unearthed via the marvels of cyberspace? Does Google have the answers for me? And the ultimate question "Am I really that narcissistic?"
I read recently that "google" has been used so much that the word has become not only a part of our language, but that it is now more commonly used as a verb. So, while I am off googling myself, I get nowhere on my job hunt! I'm sure there is something profound in that.
So, what do I hope to learn about myself via Google? Do I think there is some part of my life I mysteriously missed out on that will be revealed? Is there something else going on that I can only find out about via Google (ah ha... so that's what I've been doing!)? Is there something in my past that can only be unearthed via the marvels of cyberspace? Does Google have the answers for me? And the ultimate question "Am I really that narcissistic?"
I read recently that "google" has been used so much that the word has become not only a part of our language, but that it is now more commonly used as a verb. So, while I am off googling myself, I get nowhere on my job hunt! I'm sure there is something profound in that.
Friday, October 9, 2009
We need to get something straight...
A few of you have expressed concern at my inability to actually successfully apply for a job and are concerned that I am seriously upset and depressed over this. Please believe me...
As annoying as my frequent personal failures are, I think they are also quite funny. My biggest goal with this blog is to entertain; both my readers and myself. Please accept these posts in the spirit I have intended them: for enjoyment and merriment. Be assured that if you are laughing, I am probably laughing even louder! Thanks anyway for your concern, but I'm good!
As annoying as my frequent personal failures are, I think they are also quite funny. My biggest goal with this blog is to entertain; both my readers and myself. Please accept these posts in the spirit I have intended them: for enjoyment and merriment. Be assured that if you are laughing, I am probably laughing even louder! Thanks anyway for your concern, but I'm good!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Heros I Know
So I am thinking that maybe the root of my mid-life crisis is that I simply know too many successful people.
For example, a woman I know who is about my age, married, kids, house, etc. is a rock star. For real. In fact, tonight, she and her band are playing a gig in a very well respected venue in New York City. Now, I can't tell you how absolutely cool I think this is. I met this woman when we were mere striplings (well, we were just barely in our 20's) and she absolutely deserves to showcase her talents in this way. I mean, she has worked at her craft for years and years and truly loves what she does and truly is an artist. I am so very proud of her and wish I could be there tonight to applaud her, her hard work and the really important thing, that she never gave up the dream, no matter what life threw her way. She is my hero.
Example 2 is another woman I really admire. She is my favorite girl cousin. She is a bit younger than me, but she has directed and created a life that has made all the right turns and not only actually enjoyed all the big and small bumps in her road, but has savored them, used them and turned them to her advantage! She is incredibly smart, gutsy and had the courage and the brains to not only complete law school and work in our nations capital for 15 years, but had the guts to actually start over again and move overseas to Geneva. Along the way, she is raising three children, learning to live in a foreign country (including learning the language and teaching it to her kids) and in all, having a really great time of it! What a life! She is also my hero.
Example 3 of the hyper-successful people I know is actually my husband and this is the guy who decided to chuck it all and start his own business. Now, he gave up a really well paying job at a company he could basically write his own ticket at, benefits, company vehicle, huge bonuses, etc. He quit his job and started his own company so that he could spend more time with his family. He had a sick wife, a young child and absolutely no money in the bank. He put a desk in his garage, got on the telephone, and made it work. I don't think he's looked back once, since that day. Can you imagine having the SMARTS and the GUTS to do that? I can't. He decided what he wanted and did it. Even if his business hadn't been successful (it is), he would still be a winner in my book. He is my hero, too.
It's not so much what these people do, but the conviction and certainty with which they do it. They are just so SURE of what they're doing. I learned a long time ago that my job does not define me; it does not make me different or better than I would be otherwise; it is not necessary for me to have a label for me to feel valued. But, most people I share my life with are as awe-inspiring as the three I've mentioned here and they have the labels to prove it.
I need to think up a label for myself so the next time someone asks me "What are you doing these days?" I can have a snappy reply. That, or I seriously need to meet and befriend some fellow under-achievers who would never, ever ask that question!
For example, a woman I know who is about my age, married, kids, house, etc. is a rock star. For real. In fact, tonight, she and her band are playing a gig in a very well respected venue in New York City. Now, I can't tell you how absolutely cool I think this is. I met this woman when we were mere striplings (well, we were just barely in our 20's) and she absolutely deserves to showcase her talents in this way. I mean, she has worked at her craft for years and years and truly loves what she does and truly is an artist. I am so very proud of her and wish I could be there tonight to applaud her, her hard work and the really important thing, that she never gave up the dream, no matter what life threw her way. She is my hero.
Example 2 is another woman I really admire. She is my favorite girl cousin. She is a bit younger than me, but she has directed and created a life that has made all the right turns and not only actually enjoyed all the big and small bumps in her road, but has savored them, used them and turned them to her advantage! She is incredibly smart, gutsy and had the courage and the brains to not only complete law school and work in our nations capital for 15 years, but had the guts to actually start over again and move overseas to Geneva. Along the way, she is raising three children, learning to live in a foreign country (including learning the language and teaching it to her kids) and in all, having a really great time of it! What a life! She is also my hero.
Example 3 of the hyper-successful people I know is actually my husband and this is the guy who decided to chuck it all and start his own business. Now, he gave up a really well paying job at a company he could basically write his own ticket at, benefits, company vehicle, huge bonuses, etc. He quit his job and started his own company so that he could spend more time with his family. He had a sick wife, a young child and absolutely no money in the bank. He put a desk in his garage, got on the telephone, and made it work. I don't think he's looked back once, since that day. Can you imagine having the SMARTS and the GUTS to do that? I can't. He decided what he wanted and did it. Even if his business hadn't been successful (it is), he would still be a winner in my book. He is my hero, too.
It's not so much what these people do, but the conviction and certainty with which they do it. They are just so SURE of what they're doing. I learned a long time ago that my job does not define me; it does not make me different or better than I would be otherwise; it is not necessary for me to have a label for me to feel valued. But, most people I share my life with are as awe-inspiring as the three I've mentioned here and they have the labels to prove it.
I need to think up a label for myself so the next time someone asks me "What are you doing these days?" I can have a snappy reply. That, or I seriously need to meet and befriend some fellow under-achievers who would never, ever ask that question!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Clowns and Candy
In searching for a job, I have seen a couple of positions advertised that I need to share with you. These are actual jobs listed on Craig List for Hilton Head Island, which is a few towns over from where I live.
One that really jumped out at me was this one: "Wanted: Woman or Girl to Play Angel". That's it. No job details at all. I mean, do they provide the wings? How about halo polish? Are there benefits? What are these people expecting from the applicants?
Another position some mysterious entity is trying to fill requires three separate skill sets. They are "Seeking clowns, magicians and balloon animal artists".
My personal favorite is the guy who is advertising "Seeking Arm Candy (Downtown)". This prospective employer is looking for an attractive woman to be his date at a corporate sponsored event. This dude is saying that he's new to the area, that's why he needs a date. He is willing to pay the woman. Hmmm...
So, while I may be a little discouraged at the results I have had so far in resuming my career, at least I am WAY better off than this guy...
PS: Thanks to BettyAnn for turning me on to Craig List!
One that really jumped out at me was this one: "Wanted: Woman or Girl to Play Angel". That's it. No job details at all. I mean, do they provide the wings? How about halo polish? Are there benefits? What are these people expecting from the applicants?
Another position some mysterious entity is trying to fill requires three separate skill sets. They are "Seeking clowns, magicians and balloon animal artists".
My personal favorite is the guy who is advertising "Seeking Arm Candy (Downtown)". This prospective employer is looking for an attractive woman to be his date at a corporate sponsored event. This dude is saying that he's new to the area, that's why he needs a date. He is willing to pay the woman. Hmmm...
So, while I may be a little discouraged at the results I have had so far in resuming my career, at least I am WAY better off than this guy...
I'm not going to say it I'm not going to say it I'm not going to say it because it would be too mean and cruel and even though I am unemployed and getting cranky about it, I am not mean and cruel."Am looking to be an Actor, or whatever. About me...30 years old, 5'7", 170-185 pounds (not muscle, just normal lil belly), Deaf - can't hear/talk. Would love to be an actor or whatever it takes. Email me please."
PS: Thanks to BettyAnn for turning me on to Craig List!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
With apologies to Dairy Queen employees everywhere...
So I have received another rejection notice about a job I applied for. This one is even worse than the first one! According to the prospective employer, I disqualified myself from consideration, because I "have automatically been rated as ineligible by the system as (I) answered one or more questions stating (I) do not qualify for this position." I have no idea how I did that! I certainly would not waste mine or anyone else's time by applying for a job which I was not qualified for. Apparently, I am simply a moron. That must be part of today's requisite job hunting skills which I evidently did not master when I first started my career. You must prove you are not a moron by successfully completing and submitting a job application. Hmmm, I wonder if the local DQ is hiring?
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