So, this is my 100th blog entry! I re-read my very first post and realize not much has changed in the almost two years that I have been doing this. I am still looking for a job. I have still not figured out how to be super woman. I still have a scary knowledge of TV commercial jingles which I can sing on demand, tormenting friends and family alike. I still don't have any clothes. I still allot many of my daylight hours to fishing. I also still spend an abnormal amount of time on my boat. I think about getting a job, I think about buying clothes and I think about catching fish but haven't quite gotten there...
In short, I am still failing to succeed at many things I attempt. I have even MORE over-achiever friends than before. My major accomplishment in 2009 was cleaning out the linen closet. 2010 was highlighted by my retrieving a tube of lip gloss that had fallen between the drivers seat and the console in my truck. I am still trying to forge this years pinnacle, but so far I am off to a good start. Here it is July and I can already lay claim to figuring out what the little rocket ship button on my four year old laptop does. 2011 is going to my year...I can just tell!