I love where I live...Just yesterday, I went swimming in the river. I can catch my own dinner most of the year. I know my neighbors. I can drive into town secure that no one is going to flip me the bird, cuss at me or try and beat me out at the light. My son can walk home from school. When customers from my husband's business call, no matter what the reason, they ask "How are you? How's the family?" and they listen to the answer. We have some decent restaurants, a Saks Fifth Avenue outlet and a Gap nearby. I can sweet talk the lady at the lunch meat counter in the local grocery store into slicing my Boars Head bologna extra thin. In short, I really love where I live.
But...every once in a while, I don't know, maybe it's this mid-life crisis thing, I really really want to be in New York City again! Like tonight, I read that these huge bands that I have always wanted to see live all performed together at Madison Square Garden (just the 'garden', to those in the know) last night. I mean, I'm talking mega bands like U2, the Stones, Jeff Beck, Metallica... It must have been the ultimate party! And here I am...
I drove some 380 miles to Tampa, Florida to see The Who last spring. I have wanted to see this band perform live for most of my life, but never thought I would get the chance because they were getting so old. The show was cancelled because the singer got a cold. They re-scheduled the concert for two days later. Like I could just spend the week in Tampa...so I gave up the tickets and came home for my son and work and life. So I'm thinking... this is what I want to do...this is what I need to do: Go to a real concert, scream my head off, drink beer, hold up a cigarette lighter (lit, of course) so the band personally knows how much I am enjoying their music and 'make-out' with my husband during the slow song! Ahhh, long live my youth!
Your post inspired me to write a poem:
I too
want to
see The Who
but I don't
want to
smooch with who
you do.
Oh my gosh...this is great! I am laughing so hard I have almost fallen off the chair! Thanks for the day maker!
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