Instant Translator

Monday, January 25, 2010

Any Day Now...

So, any day now I should be hearing SOMETHING about the two jobs I have applied for. It's been awhile, and both agencies have said that about 40 days response time is usual for jobs of these types. For about the last week or so, I have cringed when I know I have received new e-mail, as I am pretty certain that if they come, that's how the rejection notices will be sent. I quickly scan to see if the mail has gone to my junk mail folder, or just my inbox. If it has gone to my regular inbox, I break a sweat, forget to breathe and sort of fling myself into the chair in front of the computer and with one eye shut, try and see who it's from. I hope I hear something soon. The waiting is making me nuts!


Penny said...

Thanks (I think) for your comment. I look forward to your next alternate subscript.

Penny said...
