So, as I have gotten older, I realize I am not really a big 'stuff'' person anymore, if I ever was. Jokes about my shopping aside, I don't have any collections (except for books) or a lot of junk hanging around my home. I don't have a lot of family pictures displayed or my son's schoolwork hanging on my refrigerator. One person has even said my house was a bit sterile. But, she lives in a house where every nook and cranny and every surface is crammed with and covered by pictures and little statues and coffee mugs with cute sayings on them and other 'stuff'. I feel really overwhelmed and claustrophobic when I go there, like I need to stand in the middle of whatever open space there happens to be, just so I can breathe.
Since I don't have a lot of 'stuff'' anymore, I have also become less of a pack rat...less sentimental...less of a hoarder. In my younger days, I would treasure and keep just about anything, and "save the best for last". Now, if it's not used within a few days or if it doesn't provide immediate gratification, out it goes! As someone who has reached the middle of their life, I no longer even buy unripe bananas...Everything is to be enjoyed and savored in the present. Not really a bad plan for anyone, when you think about it.
1 comment:
See, even as a 12 year old kid i still don't want you to buy unripe bananas because than we forget that they were there, especially in our house. than they turn black. or grey. =}
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