Instant Translator

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So, I want a chicken. A real live clucking pecking egg bearing chicken to keep in the backyard of my suburban home. I don't really know why I want a chicken but in my mind, I picture myself, in a Zsa Zsa Gabor-like ensemble gracefully traipsing through the grass, beneficently dropping feed for my new pet as it adoringly follows me through the yard. I can envision the perfectly constructed and charming coop which the chicken, after a long day of cavorting and frolicking, will return to at night so that she can rest soundly for her adventures the next day...In the dewy morning hours (in my fantasy, I actually awake before noon) with a porcelain egg basket on my arm, I quietly and gently remove the numerous eggs she has so generously bestowed upon me. I tenderly pick her up (I think her name might be Eugenia or maybe Portia, I can't decide) and remove her from the coop and place her in the green grass. As I wander down to the pond she follows happily, and the two of us spend the day enjoying the warm spring day, me daydreaming in the sun and she...well, doing what chickens do. Man however, unequivocally does NOT want a chicken. He can not appreciate and share my vision, but instead regales me with tales of how the four vicious and territorial cats that share our home will torture and eventually mangle the poor thing to death and how the coop will smell really disgusting unless it is cleaned all the time and how chickens really don't frolic but rather cluck incessantly and peck at the ground and eat bugs and all manner of disgusting things. He has also provided edification regarding the egg bearing habits of chickens, in that despite being named Eugenia or Portia they will only lay, at the most, one egg a day and only then, when they feel like it. So in order to provide just our family with sufficient eggs one or two times a week, one chicken will not do. Man says we would need probably six or maybe even more chickens to get the job done, at the rate Boy eats. And SIX chickens would be even noisier and smellier and even more entertainment for the cats. And then, he dealt the final death knell to my fantasy: with all those chickens, when I strolled languorously through the grass, I would likely get chicken poop on the hem of my dress.

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