Instant Translator

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


A little story that doesn't have a happy ending but definitely has a message: About 30 miles from where I live, a small, experimental two-seater airplane was flying from Florida north to Virginia and the propeller of the plane fell off. Okay, two things stand out immediately here... EXPERIMENTAL airplane? Propeller FELL OFF? Was that part of the experiment, I wonder? Anyway, after the propeller fell off, the pilot tried to make it to the airport, but had to make an emergency landing on the beach, instead. Also, at some point, oil began spewing out of the engine and covered the windshield and the pilot couldn't see where he was going. Well, the pilot lands his plane, but unfortunately, he ran over a guy jogging on the beach while landing. Oh, and the jogger died. So, I am thinking, it was truly the jogger's time to go. Make no mistake. IT WAS HIS TIME TO GO! The jogger was 39 years old...he was probably just beginning his mid-life crisis, hence the jogging stuff. So, the message here is twofold: First, you never know when you're going to die, so you should be sure to have fun while you can. Second: this story reinforces my belief that jogging, whether on a treadmill, a neighborhood nature trail or even a beautiful beach, is truly a BAD thing.

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