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Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Spring!

So it is Spring today where I live. Spring, if we're lucky, lasts about three days, and then it is summer, which will last around 8 months. Which is good because I have ample time to be on the water fishing. Also, because Spring is so very short, the traditional spring cleaning that everyone talks about and seems to do in their homes around now, for me is very short, too. I can just open a closet door, swish some fresh air in there, and bingo: closets are all cleaned and refreshed for the season. The floors will get swept and I will use the cute little brush thing that came with the vacuum cleaner to dust my books. The blinds will get lowered to keep out the glare of the sun, with the added bonus of instantly removing the need to wash the windows. The ceiling fans will get turned on to the mega-fast speed, removing the dust that accumulates up there. Before I know it, my home is as clean as a whistle, and it's off to the river for me!

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