Instant Translator

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Organizational Skills

Does anyone remember filofaxs'? They were those trendy organizer notebooks people used in the 1980's. A filofax was regarded as a "must-have" accessory in the days before electronic organizers. I never had one of them. Now of course there are blackberrys and iphones and a host of other stuff I also don't have. But, what I do have is a refrigerator and lots of magnets - in short, the world's largest personal organizer. Children's dental appointments, soccer schedules, class picture reminders, school improvement council meetings, et cetera, are all there, stuck under a rare earth magnet strong enough roughly, to hold the state of Rhode Island on my refrigerator door. Bills that need to be paid, lunch dates, pedicure and hair appointment reminders, roofing company estimates, and all that sort of stuff are conspicuously posted at eye level on the freezer door by another strong earth magnet which is disguised as a picture of a lighthouse. Yet another section of the refrigerator is devoted to business cards and contact information for people that do boat repairs, up-to-date fishing information, fishing license applications, boat registration and so on. Because this is where the really important stuff is, there are a host of very strong magnets keeping these documents safe and securely fastened. On the side of the refrigerator, there are a few pictures, neighbors house keys and phone numbers, and other stuff, that while certainly important, are relegated to a less prominent area (I consider that side of the refrigerator my filing cabinet). Occasionally, like when company is expected, or when I don't want to be reminded of what chaos my life is, I will clean off the refrigerator and put everything in a neat stack on my desk. Which is akin to setting fire to it, as I can't find what I need unless it has a magnet holding it up in front of my face. Of course, my personal organizer is not portable, like some of the fancier models I mentioned earlier, but I don't have to worry that it will become obsolete or unfashionable any time soon!

1 comment:

Boots O'Rourke said...

I have that too. The back of the fridge is for stuff I don't want to see on a regular basis or that I don't want any guest to see.
and I have an iPhone .
Just a tough habit to break.