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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wedding Bells

So, as time has gone by, I have learned quite a bit about mid-life crisis' in general and my own in particular. I have heard of some people who have dealt with and presumably resolved their issues and dissatisfaction with themselves and their lives by buying motorcycles, getting various body parts pierced, dumping their current spouse/partner, getting tattoos, moving, making major changes in their appearance, and so on. Well, I think this beats all of that: I have read about this guy who is convinced that he is truly, deeply in love with a woman he was friends with 35 years ago when they were both 12. They live about 600 miles apart and they have not seen each other since they were kids at summer camp together. They have only talked on the telephone and have written to each other and they are GETTING MARRIED IN JUNE. I mean seriously getting married like they have printed invitations, reserved a place to have a big party and all the other wedding stuff. The only thing they have not arranged yet is finding someone to marry them. They are both supposedly very religious and both want to get married in a church, but they are having trouble finding a pastor who will marry them because of the situation. Maybe it's just me, but if I was choosing a life partner, I would, oh, I don't know, want to be able to recognize them! This seems like a really extreme way to work through a mid-life crisis. Heck, give me a good old-fashioned tattoo anytime!

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