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Monday, June 14, 2010

Job Seeking 101

So as you might have guessed, I pretty much gave up looking for a job. I began to feel that if anyone wanted me, they could just come and find me because, by golly this job searching stuff was just taking up TOO MUCH of my time. But just last week, three killer jobs opened up which I absolutely positively have to apply for. So, since I am now technologically savvy enough to apply for these jobs with ease via my home computer, I decided to also re-do my resume in honor of these job openings; a sort of 'fresh start'. And in doing so, I am very happy to report that I have finally resolved the issue of how to address my past 13 years of unemployment. I have simply removed any reference to my life since 1997. Perfect. I don't know why I agonized over this for so long! Prospective employers will hopefully just think that the really spectacular parts of my career are detailed in some elusive cyber-bits that have gotten misplaced, somehow. No way would they think that someone would deliberately neglect to include such a large block of time. How convenient to blame one's shortcomings on computer error! Of course, should anyone actually ask about that time period, I am out of luck. But, I will worry about that when it happens.

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