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Friday, September 3, 2010

Shark Tales

So, the fishing hasn't been so good where I live lately. Maybe the excruciatingly cold winter took it's toll on the bass and trout populations, or maybe I am just a really poor fisherman, but I can't seem to catch ANYTHING these days! In the very middle of the summer, things slow down, but by now I should be stocking my freezer for those days when I am just too lazy to go on the river. Last week, I thought my luck was changing - I had a nice hit; I let the fish really take it's time with the shrimp I had on the line, and when I was pretty sure I was good to go, I reeled in...only to find a bonnet head shark swimming alongside my line, trying to get the rest of the shrimp off of the hook! The fish are definitely getting smarter.

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