Instant Translator

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Dispatch: "9-1-1 - Where is your emergency?"
Me: "The carwash. The carwash on Sam's Point Road. You know, the Tiger Express Exxon station."
Dispatch: "What is the nature of the emergency, ma'am?"
Me: "I am stuck in the carwash"
Dispatch: Ma'am?
Me: "I am stuck in the carwash and I can't get out."
Dispatch: "Do you mean the entrance and exit points are blocked?"
Me: (hysteria becoming evident) "No, NO! I mean I AM STUCK IN THE CARWASH. The gizmo that washes the top of my car has gotten stuck in the bed of my pickup truck and the side cleaning thingy's are repeatedly swiping the doors of the truck and there is a huge spinning swiffer like device in front of me AND I CAN NOT GET IT TO STOP! I HAVE BEEN IN HERE FOR 15 MINUTES NOW AND I AM GETTING FREAKED OUT!"
Dispatch: (long silence)
Me: "Are you there, are you there?"
Dispatch: "Is this a joke, ma'am?"
Me: "NO! Absolutely NOT. I am stuck in here - I swear! The roller thing is jammed into the truck bed. I am afraid to try and drive out. I can't get out and go for help because of the things that are cleaning the sides of my truck! I don't know what to do. I called the store a couple of times, but they think it's a prank, and they keep hanging up on me!"
Dispatch: (laughing) "Ma'am, I am sending an officer to your location. (more laughing) I'll stay on the line with you until they arrive, okay?"
Me: =sigh=

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