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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Five Reasons I am Really Glad to be Unemployed

In trying to be upbeat and keep a positive spin on my life, I am seriously trying to find the really significant fabulous reasons to be happy that I do not have a job. Here is what I have come up with so far:

1. As a card carrying member of the "I Love to Sleep and I Hate Morning" Club (this is a real club), I don't have to get up early on the weekdays.

2. My cosmetics (which are approximately six years old now) should last indefinitely.

3. My wardrobe, which currently consists of three pairs of blue jeans, one white "grown-up" blouse, 8 pairs of shorts, 15 T-shirts and numerous bathing suits, should also last indefinitely.

4. I will not miss out on the Jehovah's Witness ladies when they come to my door.

5. I do not have to wear 'real' shoes; boat shoes and tinnies will do for any occasion!

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