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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Family Matters

One more reason I am grateful to be unemployed is that I have the time to find and read the most interesting and up-to-the-minute world wide happenings. For example, if I was gainfully employed, there is a likelihood I may have overlooked this little gem:
On New Years Eve in Rome, Italy a man stole some candy and chewing gum so he could get arrested and spend New Year's Eve in a jail cell rather than be with his wife and relatives. Apparently, the man first went to the police station on Thursday asking to be arrested because he preferred spending the night in prison rather than with his family. The police laughed at him and sent him away. The man immediately went to a tobacco shop next door, where he threatened the owner with a box cutter as he grabbed a few pieces of candy and a pack of gum. He then waited until police arrived to arrest him for robbery.
Well. Not much to say about that, is there? Except that no matter how much my family might make me crazy, I would still rather be with them than in jail!

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