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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Still Waiting for the Phone to Ring...

So my title for this post pretty much says it all...I am still waiting to hear about the two jobs I am being considered for. It feels like it has been forever! I really want one of these jobs, as do probably about a thousand other people. A telephone call to one of the agencies personnel department yielded nothing more than a crisp "Your application is being reviewed." Reviewed by whom, I asked, only to be told "The individual responsible for filling the position." Well, duh! Silly me. Further inquiries about the identity of that person were fruitless: I was told that information was not available to me. Ah, they had me pegged alright...give me a name and I would shamelessly 'finagle' a telephone call, a casual drop-in, a bump into at the local lunch spot, or all three! Desperate times call for desperate measures...I will have to call my old friend Doris who used to know EVERYTHING (and I mean e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g) that went on - and see if she needs a free lunch...

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