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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wrong Side of the Lake

I was reminded of an adventure me and a girlfriend had when we were about 15...

I was lucky enough to spend my summers in a seaside coastal hot spot; all I had to do all summer was make sure I turned the most delicious shade of brown and that while pretending to learn how to surf, manage to never actually come close enough to a real board to possibly snag my swimsuit. Well, one day me and my friend found a little boat, 'borrowed' it and rowed ourselves across the lake to the other side of the jetty where all the fashionable restaurants and people were. The tide was in our favor, and we managed to get ourselves across to Gosman's where we alighted from the boat with as much aplomb as we could muster, given our somewhat disheveled state, and marched into the restaurant and ordered Coca-Cola's (no ice). After our refreshment, we went back to the little boat, got in, and began to furiously row across the channel, back to where we belonged. The tide was no longer in our favor, and we wound up smashing against the jetty at the US Coast Guard Station about three miles from where we had alit...Pretty certain we were indeed, in pretty deep trouble, we managed to get out of the little boat, and made our way ashore. There, a man who, to this day, I will swear was Mick Jagger, in between gasps of laughter at watching us attempt to fight the tide and make it to the other side of the lake, offered us a ride home. We accepted, and rode in humiliated silence for the 8 +/- miles around the lake...


Unknown said...

I recall you winning Elton John tickets summer of 76. I still have the button from the concert.

Penny said...

What an unexpected treat...hello, old friend. That still ranks as one of the absolute best concerts I've been to.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thought about you alot over the years. Was thrilled to find you out here in cyber space. Hope life has treated you well, and good luck with the job hunt.

Penny said...

Likewise. I looked for you on FB, but couldn't find you. If you use it, friend me so we can catch up...I would love to hear more from you!