Instant Translator

Sunday, April 11, 2010


So, with the Easter holiday and it being Spring Break and all, plus anticipating a visit from out of town family, I was in hyper MEM (please see "Super Woman" posted on 12/17/2009) last week. I even went so far as to buy one of those magazines that explain how to become even MORE of a domestic goddess than I am already. I bought this particular magazine because it had such pretty Easter eggs on the cover, and promised me that I, too, could create such delectable designs and elevate my normally mundane holiday eggs to a higher level. The instructions outlining how to create these masterpieces were very precise, to say the least. So, there I sat, on Easter Eve, at the dining room table with electrical tape, scissors, craft cutters, five colors of egg dye and two dozen perfectly hard boiled eggs. And, there I labored to cut interesting abstract designs out of the electrical tape, so that I could stick them on the eggs and dye them so that when I removed the tape, my breathtaking spectacular eggs would be magically revealed. Not so. No matter what I did, I could not get the stupid tape to stick to the egg. In one instance, I pressed the tape so hard onto the egg in a desperate attempt to make it stick, I poked my finger through the eggshell. In another, the design seemed to stick until I placed the egg into the dye bath, when the tape came loose. After repeatedly drying the condensation from one chilled egg, I finally got my design (or at least part or it) to stick to the eggshell. Quivering with excitement, I put my egg carefully into the dye bath and waited. At last, my egg reached the perfect shade of turquoise and I removed it from the dye, let it dry and began to peel off the tape design. The edge of the tape lifted, and I squealed when I saw the pristine white shell surrounded by the deep, glorious turquoise. My delight didn't last long, when I realized that I was not only removing the tape design, but I was actually peeling the egg at the same time! Interestingly enough, the magazine made no mention of that eventuality...

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