Instant Translator

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fender Bender

So I am coming home from the store a few days ago, driving down my street about to turn into my driveway, when a car coming the opposite way drives into me. Our side view mirrors sort of collided - mine just folded in and was fine. His mirror (which serves him right because he turned out to be a real muffin head) sort of just DANGLED AND HUNG off the side of his truck like a broken arm on a Barbie doll (ooooh I can be so cranky, can't I?). I pull into my drive and this guy (after parking on my lawn, dammit) charges out of his truck ranting about the damage to his vehicle and starts fiddling with the broken mirror. He gets it to sit properly, but continues to fuss, whining about what he was supposed to do if it was still broken. I suggested that he could always place a claim with his insurance company, and he went ballistic. He said that the incident was all my fault, and that it could be really expensive to get his mirror repaired. Seeing what was coming I shut him right up by offering to call the police to get an accident report filed so he could make his claim. I went into the house to make my call, and he drove off. I hope when he got to that big pothole at the end of the road, it jarred his crummy mirror right off the side of his truck! Bozo!

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