Instant Translator

Thursday, October 1, 2009

With apologies to Dairy Queen employees everywhere...

So I have received another rejection notice about a job I applied for. This one is even worse than the first one! According to the prospective employer, I disqualified myself from consideration, because I "have automatically been rated as ineligible by the system as (I) answered one or more questions stating (I) do not qualify for this position." I have no idea how I did that! I certainly would not waste mine or anyone else's time by applying for a job which I was not qualified for. Apparently, I am simply a moron. That must be part of today's requisite job hunting skills which I evidently did not master when I first started my career. You must prove you are not a moron by successfully completing and submitting a job application. Hmmm, I wonder if the local DQ is hiring?

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