Instant Translator

Monday, May 31, 2010


There is no easy, quick way to get to where I live. I mean, you can't really just 'find' my town on the way to somewhere else - it has to be a planned destination. Which is why I am so confused by all the people that have wound up here. How did they find us? Why did the find us? Having spent so much of my time in a town that had a huge seasonal population and dwindled down to about 2000 people or so in the 'off-season' you would think I would get it. Well, for any newcomers to the area, I am going to fill you in on a secret. We may say, real polite like, that we are glad you are here, but we really aren't. As I read on a bumper sticker once..."If it's Tourist Season, why can't I shoot them?"

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